Friday 27 June 2014

Riding Waves...

I feel like I got my parenting mojo back this week. After weeks of a fractious, teething Bow. The ups and downs of Euna transitioning from nappies to the potty. And I have finally banished the holiday blues and become one with the idea that no one will bring me frozen cocktails at 11am at home. I feel back in love with it this parenting lark.

It goes in waves like that and I'm learning not to take the lulls so seriously. A boring week's just a boring week. A stressful day's just a stressful day. Feeling like that for a couple of days isn't a comment on my parenting or my appreciation of having these kiddos. 

And not affecting my mood is a new zoom lens... Nope not at all... :D :D :D

Here we are on Mersea Island with friends. Enjoying fresh air, whispy clouds and naming pet stones... 

1 comment:

  1. I almost don't want to comment as I have serious beach envy. And weather envy. #familyphotofriday


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